Friday, December 28, 2007


Home to unique Japanese watches..... TokyoFlash makes watches of the future.  Space suit not needed.

Schmelting accident?

Nope... no accident here, Ken Courtney aka Just Another Rich Kid has added to his Indulgence Collection, which includes other provocative examples of  bling-blaoow.  Might need some gold fronts and a gold dipped cane to make the outfit complete.....Damn!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Artist: Yuji Moriguchi

A Hokusai type feel with a spicy spin and traditional Japanese painting with contemporary manga.....this is Moriguchi!  His erotic fantasies are well depicted above.
Absolutely beautiful!!

Pachinko Designs

A very loud and obnoxious part of life in Japan, the Pachinko machine has developed into spectacular sites for the business man on his way home from the office or the house-wife running a few errands.  Created in the early 20's.  Incredible visual appeal that can be transfered into wearables!!!  Just imagine.....

Street Art on Geta

A very unique Japanese wooden sandal called the Geta has been updated with street art.
This showing from Makeone compiled more than 60 street artists to customize a piece.  Fresh new ideas keep us alive and wanting more.